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发表于 2022-1-26 17:19:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear Sir/Madam
I have carefully studied Apple Rule 1.1.4and found our App doesn’t break the rule.
Firstly, the rule requires overtly or explicitlydisplayed sexual material. However, the penis pictures in our App are covered withpassword. You can’t see it without any action. The password is just like a coatfor our body. We have cover it with a coat, but people may take it off. So, itis not overtly or explicitly displayed.

Secondly, the rule requires that we have thepurpose of stimulate erotic feelings. We don’t have such kind of purpose. Ifyou have seen many of the pictures, you can see that most of the penis on thepictures are in a painfully swollen state because they are taken after penis exercises.The purpose of the pictures is to show the penis enlargement process by usingour patented penis enlargement devices. Most of the pictures are ugly after theexercise and I think they are incapable of evoking any erotic desires. Moreover,only mature men are allowed to get the password to view these pictures. Women andchildren can’t get the password to see these pictures. So, they won’t be ableto evoke peoples’ erotic feelings. If we have erotic purpose, we won’t haveblocked women from using the App. Now we use AI speech recognition technologyto recognize the gender and age of people who apply for our password. We have usedit to test many voices of people of different genders and ages. It is quite accurate,and you can try it on the password application page.   
People can’t show off their penis picturefreely on this App. Only people who are using our product are allowed to posttheir penis enlargement pictures on this App. Other people are not allowed. Ifwe find such people, we will delete their picture and send them warningmessages.
I have to explain why we design this App.Because most of the penis enlargement products on the market have no real effect,they just cheat people for money and many people have been cheated. So, it isvery hard to make people believe our product. To solve this problem, we developthe App. The development of the App is not smooth. We were cheated 3 times andit takes 3 years to reach current state.
Everyonecan show his penis enlargement process on his blog in the App. They can alsochat freely in this App. These measures will help to prove the effects of ourproduct.   
In short, our purpose is to show people thepenis enlargement process and the effect of our penis enlargement devices, noterotic purpose.
We are very cautious of erotic martials.People won’t be able to post any pictures unless they put deposit to the App topromise that they won’t upload any erotic martials. Besides, our App administratorscheck the uploaded pictures everyday to ensure that there are no erotic martialson the App. And there are AI image recognition technology used in our chatting processto prevent erotic martials.
Thirdly, while people ask for the password,they know exactly what they will see after inputting the password. We have addedwaring message now. If they don’t like it, they wouldn’t have asked for or inputtedthe password. So, the people who ask and input the password will not feel uncomfortablewith the penis pictures.
Sexual function is very important for people.And penis size is a very important part of it. Some peoples’ penis sizes arejust much smaller than usual people. It is a very sad fact for them. There wasa costumer who married 3 times and divorce 3 times because his penis size wastoo small, only 8 cm. His new girlfriend was also mad about his size. He found usand used our product. He reached 12 cm finally and married that girl. Though itis not very big, but it is much better than before.
I sincerely ask for your permission to letus help these people. Thanks!
Mussle Lee
CEO of Deja Sports

发表于 2022-1-26 19:31:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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